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Well done Sydney

1 Jan

I went to see the fireworks display in sydney last night

This Life…

19 Aug


This life appeals to me. I haven’t written because I haven’t thought.

The monotony that was everyday life is no more and instead each day a new sight, a new view, a new idea, a new person….in short. Adventure.

I have started working in a kitchen in the mountains, washing dishes and instead of this being a menial and demeaning task I instead recognise it for it’s truth. Beneath the dirt and grime of uneaten food I see that life can offer more than work. If I work hard I won’t be stuck in a career like ICT in which I was before. I was happy, no doubt there but this is a different kind of happiness and it’s nice.

On Sunday I will get a train and visit some beach towns on the east coast, Coffs Harbour, Port Mcquarie. Then to return on Friday night, work saturday and sunday. Then once more head out Monday to Friday up to Cairns where I will Skydive, Bungee Jump and white water rafting on the Tully River, of course doing as much of this as possible naked.

So, this is travelling, this is meeting new people, this is a new lifestyle. This is cycling for 6 hours out onto a small outcropping of rock where I sit with a boo, looking out over a national reserve.

Stopping is not an option right now. Right now I know I have truely begun and soon the fruits of my labour will come into fruition and the lessons and experiences will be melded together and become part of my personality, my history, myself.

This is Life, this is new, this is me, this is happiness, this is no fear. I read about Chris Mcandless and realise that he just pushed it to the next level. Breaking free of all of life’s monotony and restraints, worries and complaints. To nature and to prove he was as good as he could be. I admire this ideal.

I like these mountains where I currently reside, I like to walk for 10,20,30,60 minute. Every second a new view, a new horizon. There’s no chlostraphobia that hits me each time I walk into a city. I can see the sky, I can hear the birds.

Each morning I wake in my tent and lay for a while listening to the birds and the possums, the creatures that live nearby. I roll out, I have breakfast, say hello to my fickle friends and then of out to a new track, walking, cycling. New sights and new sounds. A calmness….

Bugs and Bits

23 May

Not been working today. Some pictures of Bugs 😀

Purple - YAY

Purple - YAY

Fly, fly my preeeetttiiiieeeessss

Fly, fly my preeeetttiiiieeeessss



Bee + Flower = Yum

Bee + Flower = Yum

Quick! Get inside

Quick! Get inside

Bee by flower

Bee by flower

Beeee on the grass

Beeee on the grass

Beeee on the grass (2)

Beeee on the grass (2)



Fly-on-the-wall, well. Fly on a leave :D

Fly-on-the-wall, well. Fly on a leave 😀

Fly-on-the-wall, well. Fly on a leave :D (2)

Fly-on-the-wall, well. Fly on a leave 😀 (2)

Acceptance of foriegn culture

9 May
Italy 3
Italy 3

I have recently returned from visiting Italy with little Floperv and have once again found myself in a situation several times feeling very frustrated and aggressive. The reason being that I am still English and with that comes a natural nature to Que. To be polite and to generally try to be pleasant to people. What I experienced in Italy was a very near opposite of these basic ideals I tend to live by. My blood began to boil and whilst waiting in the que for the plane I began to have Italians forming up on my flanks, obviously waiting to step in front of me or to step into the que at any moment. My hand was shaking and from nowhere came this beast, ready to fling burning coffee into everyone’s faces. It was only the calming influence of my company that saved the blister’s from the Italian buggers.

What I am curious of clearly is if really this was an act of aggression from a misunderstanding or intollerance of anothers culture or are they just rude buggers who need a slap. What really constitutes intollerance?

And now for some pictures I took whilst in Italy. Enjoy

Playing with Lighting

29 Apr

I was playing with lighting effects on a photo I took the other day. Here’s some of the results. I’ll probably create a few different variations. This is very basic stuff but it’s cute 😀

The Original

Hearts 1
Hearts 1
Hearts 2
Hearts 2